What does vitamin d do, benefits and good for?

Vitamin D is a hormone the body produces through sun exposure. Most adults don’t get enough of it, but research suggests that D helps protect against serious diseases.

One example is breast cancer, in which it curbs abnormal cell growth and the forma- tion of blood vessels that feed tumors. Adequate levels at the time of diagnosis could affect prognosis and alter the dis- ease’s course, potentially reducing the risk of recurrence, spread, and death.

To get a safe amount of sun, estimate how long it would take for your skin to tan slightly. Reduce that time by half if you have fair skin or one-quarter if you’re darker, and try to get that much exposure a few days a week.

I also recommend that everyone take at least 2,000 IU of D3 daily, and more if blood tests show you’re low.

This What does vitamin d do adapted from article Will taking
vitamin D help prevent major illnesses? By ANDREW WEIL MD, is founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and clinical professor of medicine at the University of Arizona.
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