Nootropics, a class of
“smart drugs” and
supplements that
claim cognitive enhancement,
are increasingly
being taken to optimize
say that they improve
memory, boost concentration,
and enhance
productivity, but little
scientific evidence exists
to support such claims,
and, for most, longterm
safety has yet to be
established. In addition,
concerns about abuse,
dependence, and addiction
have not yet been
adequately addressed.
The most widely accepted
way to keep your
mind nimble is to take on
new mental challenges.
One of the most promising
methods is to study
a language, which draws
on “fluid intelligence,”
among the first aspects
of brain function to be
affected by age. Regular
meditation and short
naps can also help.
If you insist on a pill to
support healthy cognition,
the best is supplemental
fish oil. Omega-3
fats are necessary for
proper brain function,
and most people in our
part of the world are
help maintain nerve cell
structure, limit inappropriate
inflammation, and
may benefit nerve signal
transmission. Look for
a molecularly distilled,
concentrated product
with 700 to 1,000 mg
of EPA and 200 to 500
mg of DHA. Take that
amount (or double) daily
with your largest meal.
Source: Andrew Weil, MD, is founder
and director of the Arizona Center
for Integrative Medicine and
clinical professor of medicine at the
University of Arizona.