Soothe Sore Muscles

Chilly weather magnifies muscle and joint aches. Try this warming, fagrant massage oil—it’s perfect for soothing the pain. Do not apply it to broken skin or near your eyes, and keep your fingers away fom the eye area afer touching the oil.

Before using this preparation, dab a few drops on the inside of your arm to test for sensitivities.

ginger-eucalyptus massage oil
use to ease tense, sore muscles or as a warming foot rub.
2 c almond or olive oil
2 Tbsp dried coarsely ground ginger
24 drops eucalyptus essential oil

Place almond oil and ginger in slow cooker and cook 6 to 8 hours on low, stirring and checking hourly to make sure oil is not burning. turn off heat and let cool. strain through cheesecloth, and then pour into glass jar with lid. add essential oil and cover. apply to skin as desired.

source: Tieraona Low Dog, MD, is the author of Life Is Your Best Medicine.
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