One of the best ways to lose weight in the world is a water fasting. Not only it fastest way to lose weight but it also has many other big health benefits. One of its benefits is body cleansing. Yes, water fasting is very effective way for body detoxification. How does water fasting help you lose weight, boost health and energy?
The water fasting is the most natural way to lose weight, because mankind has long history of spring water fasting due to the food shortage in the ancient times. Let us discuss this further in order for us to understand water fasting better.
Fasting is a period of abstinence from all food except water. Also it can be a juice fasting and fasting during the day time until sunset. After the full absence of food for more then 3 days, the body will start detoxification and cleanse itself from unhealthy tissues. Basically the human fat is valued at 3,000 calories per pound. Each extra pound of fat will supply enough calories for one day of hard physical labor.
I've just finished my 11 days water fasting this week. During the time of fasting I wasn’t able to find any new good books about fasting on the market or in libraries so I decided to share my water fasting experience. Also I was I was shocked recently by astonishing fact that average Americans have 5-10 pounds of toxic and unhealthy materials in their bodies. “Thanks” to the food preservatives, fast food and overeating.
The idea to start fasting came to my mind when I was 21 years old and I did my first 4 days juice fasting right away. Through my experience of water fasting and many books, I’ve found for myself some rules I have to fallow to keep my water fasting safe and healthy. I’d like to share with you some of them and hope they will bring some help.
Preparation for water fasting. I start my preparation in couple of days before fasting by change diet toward lighter dishes, no red meat, only chicken and fish, fruit and vegetables, yogurt and soups. On last day before fasting: fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits on lunch, fruit and vegetables dishes on dinner. To monitor my digestion system performance and have a clue about enema use in time of fasting, I eat close to 10-11 pm my beet salad: 1 medium size cooked beet root with olive oil. So if I'll see red colored stool on the 1st day of fasting I will consider that my digesting system is working fine and there is no need for enema. If not, I will use enema right away.
One or two days water fasting. This is the nicest way to lose weight and get used to with fasting and prepare for longer water fast. If you've never done water fasting before, this is the only safe way to start your fasting experience, never do more then one day in the beginning. If your body overloaded with toxic material you have to make several one day fasting before considering bit longer water fasting. Always ask you doctor before fasting if you have health conditions and taking medicine. Some people can experience headache during one day water fasting, they should avoid drinking coffee before fasting. Best way to break one-two day fasting is to drink home made fresh juices for entire day and eat vegetables and fruits on the second day.
Three day fasting. Personally I don't like 3 days water fasting, because my digesting system is off after 2 days and to turn it on on the very next day is a lot of pain. I break 3 days fast by drinking vegetable and fruit juices, eating raw vegetable and fruits, on 3rd day I can eat vegetarian soups and light dishes. No meat, poultry allowed.
Seven to twelve days water fasting. It has to be 2-3 days preparation with light diet, no meat, alcohol and coffee; eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood, on the last day before fasting- vegetarian diet. Don’t forget about the beet salad test. Some authors and doctors recommend enema before bed. I personally don’t do that if my beet salad test’result is okay and use enema after 5th day.
How to break a long water fasting. I usually break my water fasting with vegetable juice like carrot juice, tomato or cucumber juice or combination of them. The longer was water fast the more water I add to the first juice and after 10-12 days fasting I usually add 50% of water to my first juice. Some authors recommend start eating with boiled for 2-3 sec and peeled tomato or with slice of watermelon or cabbage juice. I don't like watermelon due to high sugar level, cabbage juice irritates my digestive system a lot, but tomato and tomato juice work fine, just remove heavily waxed tomato's skin before.